Britannia Sanitary Landfill Site

The Britannia Sanitary Landfill Site, owned by the Region of Peel, is located in Mississauga, Ontario and was established in 1980 and closed in 2002, where it received over 10 million tonnes of waste.

The Region of Peel wanted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the landfill and find a beneficial use for the landfill gas through utilization. In addition, the City of Mississauga operates the BraeBen Golf Course on the finished surface of the landfill. Integrated Gas Recovery Services Inc. (IGRS) provided the Region of Peel with a solution that addressed all of the challenges of this project with a proposal to utilize the landfill gas for the generation of electricity.

The collection system includes 70 wells and is designed to collect approximately 2,500 cubic feet per minute of landfill gas.

The electricity generation plant commissioned in 2005 is located off-site from the landfill and has no impact on the golf course. Gas is delivered to the plant through an 800 metre dedicated pipeline. The plant comprises a gas processing plant with twin two-stage RoFlo compressors and gas drying equipment and a generation plant that includes three Cooper Superior reciprocating engines with a total generation capacity of 5.5 MW of power.

The electricity generated by the plant is sold to the IESO, displaces traditional sources of electricity and ensures the destruction of 50,000 tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalents) annually through the combustion of landfill gas, which would otherwise vent to the environment.

Comcor operates and maintains the wellfield and energy plant on behalf of IGRS.

Site Owner:
Integrated Gas Recovery Systems – Energy Facility, Region of Peel – Landfill
Design and Construction Projects:
Current Gas Recovery:
800-1000 cfm
Landfill in Operation Since:
1980 – 2002
Years Monitored:
2005 to Present